The “Non-Violent Protest” as a Form of Political Warfare

מפגינים עם כאפיות ודגלים פלסטינים אוחזים בשלטים 'בכל דרך אפשרית' ו'קולוניאליזם הוא טרור'

The so-called “non-violent protest” has become a feature of public life all over the world, including Israel. Almost regularly, large scale protests take place in Tel-Aviv, at the Knesset and the Supreme Court, at the homes of governmental ministers, particularly of the Prime Minister on Gaza Road in Jerusalem. Mass protests happen in such far-off […]

The Pro-Palestinian Strategy- Mythologization of Campus Protests

שלט 'ברוכים הבאים לאוניברסיטת הציבור למען פלסטין' וברקע הפגנה בקמפוס עם דגלים פלסטינים

The Pro-Palestinian protests that have been taking place on college campuses are unprecedented in a 50 year-perspective. The level of violence and chaos caused by protesters and professional agitators has not been seen since the height of the 1960s during the New Left protests the Vietnam war. One of the possible psychological explanations for the […]

In Succumbing to the Mob, University Presidents Invite More Violence

מפגין עם כפיה ודגל פלסטיני כגלימה בקמפוס בארה"ב, דגל ארה"ב על בניין ברקע

Terrorism and terrorist mentality can take many forms. However, in all cases any terrorist acts according to the same strategy: using violence and intimidation to get concessions from their opponents. Their opponent gives the terrorist what they want but this not only does not quench the terrorists’ thirst but increases it. Every demand that is […]


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