About us

Israel's security must be anchored in its ability to protect itself, by itself.

המטרות שלנו

הדור הצעיר

רתימת הדור הצעיר של העולם היהודי לאמץ תפיסות בטחוניות ולהבנת צרכי הביטחון הלאומי של מדינת ישראל והעם היהודי

עיצוב מדיניות

עבודה רציפה ותקשורת קבועה עם גורמי ההשפעה המובילים ומקבלי ההחלטות בארץ ובעולם

חינוך ותודעה

בניית תודעה ביטחונית כוללת, כתנאי הכרחי לחירות, שמתחיל מהחוסן האישי ועד הלאומי

We are a group of over 35,000 reserve officers and operatives from all branches of the Israeli security forces dedicated to guiding the narrative of Israel’s national security needs and ensuring that Israel’s security in the homeland of the Jewish people is never taken for granted.

At the core of IDSF lies the belief that Israel’s security must be anchored in its ability to protect itself, by itself, while actively thwarting threats to its safety. The authoritative voices of well-known military veterans, media personalities and national security experts, are key in disseminating our security strategy for the State of Israel.

We recognize that combating antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment, both domestically and internationally, is an integral part of ensuring Israel’s security.

Our movement welcomes all those who identify with our message and our founding principles, without prejudice to religion, race, gender or rank.


We are a Zionist, security-based movement, whose aim is to position Israel's security as the top national priority, in a manner which ensures the sovereignty of the Jewish people in their homeland for generations to come.

Our understanding of Israel's security inherently includes actively countering antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda, recognizing these as direct threats to the legitimacy and security of the State of Israel.

To achieve this mission, we have established a diverse movement led by women and men, senior officers from all branches of the defense forces, researchers, academics, as well as civilians from throughout Israeli society. We are focused on spreading the message that Israel’s security, including the fight against antisemitism and anti-Israel bias in all their forms, must be a determining factor in State policy.

What we do


We believe in instilling the values of Zionism and national service in the current generation of young Israelis. Our educational programs instill within the youth a strong grounding in our own history. It is our goal to reintroduce them to their responsibility to their home and their people. We teach content and subjects to a range of audiences including pre-army programs, academic institutions, as well as Jewish youth programs overseas.


Our research branch studies a range of security-related fields, including governance and internal security, the Palestinian society, the Iranian threat, the Middle East, U.S. and E.U. relations with Israel, and army-society relations. The resulting studies serve as a basis for a relevant, national security approach for the State of Israel. We make our findings accessible to the public, the media and decision makers. Our research has been shared in the Israeli press, in the Knesset and in the US Congress. Read more


IDSF advances Zionism and Israel’s national security needs from podiums all over Israel and abroad; on mainstream and social media, on television and radio, all adapted to a variety of audiences and in every relevant language. IDSF spokespeople are able, in real time, to prevent diversion towards foreign agendas by publicizing the voice of the national-Zionist comunity, ensuring that Israel's security interests remain in the public eye.


Senior IDSF members maintain close relationships with ambassadors and policy makers in Israel and abroad in order to share their extensive security experience. The IDSF influences decision makers by providing current and accurate information needed for strategic decisions.

Grassroots Movement

IDSF promotes a comprehensive, security-focused, national approach focused on individual and national resilience. We encourage and invite all citizens to join us, to speak out and take part, because security is not reserved for politicians and military command alone.


  1. Israel’s security needs are the top national priority. Period.
  2. The State of Israel has the right and the obligation to exist within safe, defensible borders, the borders of the Land of Israel.
  3. In order to ensure its existence, the State of Israel must guarantee victory in every conflict and is therefore obligated to act freely on all fronts, in order to defend itself, by itself.
  4. It is vital to seek meaningful, regional peace and cooperation with the countries surrounding us, based exclusively on the principle of “Peace for Peace”. Land concessions do not foster peace.
  5. The undisputed obstacles to achieving these aspirations lie in the Palestinian narrative which negates the existence of the Jewish people and their tie to the Land of Israel, demands the termination of Zionism, and in the persistence of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment globally. Combating these threats is integral to Israel’s security.

  1. The State of Israel must begin to exercise its sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, which are crucial to its security.
  2. The settlement of Israeli families throughout all geographic regions of the country remains a key component in national security, permitting our security forces to carry out their missions.
  3. The development of the Negev, Galilee, Golan, Judea, Samaria and Jordan Valley must be encouraged, given that they form a crucial piece of the security puzzle.
  4. National service is a valuable tool for shaping Israeli society.
  5. IDSF is not political. The movement is open to all those who believe in its foundational principles.


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חשיפה לצפון

יום שני, 27.1.25

הצטרפו לסיור ולסקירה על המציאות החדשה בשטח ועל השלכותיה -

מאת תא"ל אמיר אביבי, יו"ר תנועת "הביטחוניסטים"

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