The post at Kibbutz Kisufim was one of the major battle sites on October 7, 2023. Sharon and Yuval, a husband and wife who are both brigade-level medical officers, were working a shift at the post when some four dozen Hamas terrorists invaded it. To begin with, twenty or so burst through the main gate. The soldiers at the gate did manage to eliminate some of them, but were greatly outnumbered. After additional terrorists had entered the post, more and more wounded soldiers arrived at the war room. Sharon and Yuval turned the war room into an improvised clinic in order to care for the wounded, but the terrorists — in order to make the treatment and the resistance impossible — disabled the electricity at the post. As a consequence, the automatic door of the war room was opened. Golani soldiers protected the war room with their bodies and prevented the terrorists from entering it. During all that time, with a battle proceeding at the very entrance of the war room, Sharon, Yuval, and the medics of the post cared for the wounded. Some 20 soldiers had arrived, suffering from gunshot wounds, shrapnel, and shock. When one of the wounded soldiers was out of oxygen, they respirated him manually for six hours. Thanks to their coolheadedness and professionalism, they managed to keep almost all the clinic’s wounded soldiers alive until evacuation to a hospital was possible.