
IDF Generals Calling
to Keep the IDF Above Politics

The IDF is under attack. The political turmoil that is tearing apart Israeli society has reached the rank and file of the IDF. Officers and soldiers are bringing politics into the IDF and disobeying direct orders in protest.  They are creating chaos within the units.  It is terrible and destructive.  This insubordination is creating an existential threat to Israel. Politics should have no place in the IDF.  When soldiers disobey orders, lives are put in jeopardy – many lives.  Hezbollah is pointing rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and waiting to catch us when we are weak.

In response, IDSF initiated a call to IDF generals of all world views to join together in unity. We are happy to announce in an unprecedented moment that 40 Israeli generals from the political right and the political left have united together against this uprising.  Following their lead, tens of thousands are joining the call.

Former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, Former IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz, Major General Matan Vilnai of the Commanders for Israel’s Security, Major General Tal Russo of the Labor Party, together with Major General Gershon Hacohen and Brigadier General Amir Avivi from the Israel Defence and Security Forum, along with dozens of other high ranking officers have all signed a letter calling for unity within the IDF.

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This is a defining moment for Israel.  The IDF is being challenged with a crisis that could tear it apart from the inside.

All of these IDF reserve generals understand that they must stand together in unity despite their differences in politics.  And we need to get this message out to all of Israeli society.  Every soldier and every citizen must hear this message.  Our country depends on it. There is no place for politics in the IDF. We have an opportunity to shift public discourse, to draw clear red lines as to the boundaries of democratic discourse.

Make a donation today to fund the campaign that will spread this much-needed message of unity throughout Israel.

We need to publish our signed letter in all newspapers. We need billboards.

We need a national campaign where Israelis will join the leadership in calling for unity in the IDF.

Donate Now - Save Israel from Destruction

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