- Zionism, identity and Judaism
- From Shay Shemesh
- 90 Minutes
- Target Audience: Groups in private homes, High schools, IDF, Pre-army preparatory programs
At the core of IDSF’s activities is voicing a the national Zionist vision as the basis for an approach to the country’s security, counteracting opinions potentially harmful to the State’s defences.
We have been advocating this position not only in the media but also among policy makers. Our vision is circulated everywhere there is someone interested in grasping the challenges faced by the State of Israel, the ways to approach and solve these challenges, and the ability to maintain the State of Israel as a Jewish, democratic State.
Whether you are an academic or educational institution, a community, or a group of friends interested in learning more about Israel’s security, senior IDSF members will be glad to speak to you, wherever you are, to share their knowledge and experience.
Yes, Zoom meetings are also available.
Which talk would you like to arrange for your community or organization?