“Zionism Must Stop Being Treated as a Political Issue” – Brig. Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi on the IDSF HaBithonistim Movement and Unconditional Zionism Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi 24/07/2024
The continuation of war by other means — Exploiting the international courts as a weapon against Israel Advocate Yifa Segal 24/07/2024
Italy’s far-left escalates anti-Israel campaign with blacklist of Jews and Zionists Giovanni Giacalone 09/07/2024
Iran Already Knows: The Future of the West Will Be Written in Gaza & Lebanon Dr. Ruth Kabessa Abramzon 07/07/2024
Rewarding Hamas: On Spain, Ireland, Norway, and Armenia’s Recognition of a Palestinian State Eran Lahav 04/07/2024
Under the Taliban’s Auspices: ISIS and al-Qaeda Gain Strength After the U.S. Withdrawal Eran Lahav 04/07/2024
When to Begin and How We Should End: The Imparative of a Broad Military Campaign in South Lebanon Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi 27/06/2024
The World’s Attention Focused on Gaza Rather Than Iran’s War Drums. The Result May Well Be War. Or Yissachar 04/06/2024
In Spite of Policy Differences, Israeli Leadership as United as Ever in the Goal of Eliminating Hamas and Maintaining Security Control of Gaza Adv. Eli Kirshenbaum 03/06/2024
One word from Khamenei, and the hostages are released. So why is the world not pressuring Iran? Or Yissachar 31/05/2024
The Last Hamas Stronghold: Rafah – Real and Symbolic Meaning Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi 21/05/2024
The American policy in Gaza undermines the national security of the United States Dr. Omer Dostri 12/05/2024
Four opportunities and one danger: insights following the Iranian attack Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi 21/04/2024
Misunderstanding or Betrayal? The Policy of the Biden Administration in Light of Previous American Commitments Joel Fishman 18/04/2024
The envelop that defines the rules of the game between Iran and Israel is stretched. Will Iran tear the envelop? Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yossi Kuperwasser 17/04/2024