Lieutenant Colonel M. from the Reim military base impersonated a terrorist and eliminated Hamas terrorists 

Lieutenant Colonel M., commander of the Gaza Division Tracker Unit in Reim, woke up with 

the rocket barrage from Gaza on Saturday morning. The moment he learned that terrorist 

made their way into Israel, he aimed to go to the scene with his soldiers, however, car loads 

of survivors from the nearby Nova festival massacre began arriving at the base and he 

realized that the situation is far graver then he thought. He and his soldiers wanted to head 

out to the party area but then noticed truckloads of terrorists speeding towards the base. He 

turned his force around and went back to face the terrorists, whom they fought for almost 

an hour, and were able to repel them. However, the terrorists began surrounding the base 

and some were able to breach the parameter fence. 

Lieutenant Colonel M. and several of his soldiers spread out around the premises. He was 

able to eliminate one of the terrorists, and then – with daredevil resourcefulness – realized 

he could dupe them. He began speaking Arabic to one of his soldiers. Upon hearing this, the 

terrorist mistook him for one of them, as they were also wearing IDF uniforms, and called 

him over. He responded in Arabic, calling them to come to him and when they approached – 

shot and killed them. The battle lasted for hours, later with the help of backup forces. At six 

in the evening – the base had been cleansed of all terrorists.