Three fighters from the Maglan commando unit were the first to reach the scene at Nahal Oz on the morning of October 7: the unit’s deputy commander, Major Chen Bouchris, 26, of Ashdod; the unit’s operations officer, Captain Yiftah Yavetz, 23, of Ramat Hasharon; and Staff Sergant Afik Rosenthal, who was a forward command medic and fighter. The three battled heroically against hundreds of terrorists who, armed with enormous quantities of ammunition, were determined to conquer the kibbutz. The kibbutz did suffer heavy losses, but thanks to their eagerness to engage and their professionalism in responding, it was not conquered. After Capt. Yavitz was wounded, Staff Sgt. Rosenthal began to care for him but was wounded himself. All three died in battle. May they rest in peace.