Master Sergent Igor Pivnev killed 13 terrorists on his way home Master Sergent Igor Pivnev, a policeman at the Hebron police station, was on duty when the reports on the terrorist attack in the south began flowing in. He decided to head back to his home in the Yated community, where his wife and to young children were closed in the safety room. Near the Urim intersection, he noticed a white vehicle on the side of the road and got out of his car to inspect. He saw a dead IDF soldier lying on the road and another in the car. Hearing firing, he made his way towards the exchange and took out two terrorists, who were firing at passing vehicles. Another two terrorist, who arrived on the scene, were also killed by Igor, after which he took out a group of terrorists who were parking their motorcycle at the side of the road. In total, Master Sergent Igor Pivnev took out 13 terrorists on his way home.