Captain Shiloh Rauchberger fought valiantly, sacrificing his life to save his soldiers 

Shiloh Rauchberger from the township of Eli in Judea and Samaria, was a 23-year-old 

commander in the Golani Infantry 51 st battalion. With the onslaught of the rocket barrage on 

the morning of October 7, before the siren sounded, he wakes up his soldiers and instructs 

them to enter the base shelter, which was in the mess hall. When all the soldiers were 

already in the hall, they started hearing shouts in Arabic and firing from small firearms, and 

realized that the base has been invaded by terrorists. Unfortunately, hurrying to safety, the 

soldiers didn’t take their guns. They blocked the entrance to the hall with a refrigerator and 

together with two other soldiers, Shiloh defends the main entrance while another officer is 

posted at the back entrance. They wage a four-hour battle against the terrorists. Shiloh is 

wounded but continues fighting and commanding his soldiers. Thanks to his determined 

action alongside his courageous soldiers, the post did not fall and the terrorists were kept 

engaged in the fighting and could not participate in the invasion and slaughter of the civilian 

communities in the heart of Israel’s territory. Shiloh died of his wounds and posthumously 

received the rank of Captain. May he rest in peace.