Superintendent Amit Gur, 26, set out to battle on the morning of October 7, together with late Maj. Yehuda Kader, commander of the Ein HaBasor region, both armed only with their pistols. Their first encounter with Hamas terrorists was at the Magen junction, where they eliminated two of them. After a series of further encounters, the two decided to try to get to Kibbutz Reim. Gur identified two terrorists flanking Yehuda Kader and another IDF officer, and fired at them. One of the terrorists fell, and in the exchange of fire she was wounded. The officer was also wounded, and while she was applying pressure to the wound in his neck, she fired into the air to get them both into the car and from there to the hospital. Sadly, Major Yehuda Kader fell in battle, may his memory be blessed.