Two brothers fall side by side in the defense of Kibbutz Alumim
Brothers First Sergent Noam Slotki (31) a combat medic from the reserve’s infantry Karmeli
Brigade, and Master Sergent Yishay Slotki (24), a fighter in the reserve’s infantry Oded
Brigade, lived in the southern city of Be’er Sheba with their families and were fathers to little
kids. Immediately at the onslaught of October 7 – even before they were called to report for
duty – they put on their uniforms and made their way to the fighting in Kibbutz Alumim,
taking with them firearms and first aid equipment. They reached the battle arena at around
nine o’clock in the morning and engaged with the terrorist in the proximity of the kibbutz
fence. The mobile location tracking of their phones shows the two had entered and exited
the kibbutz – it remains unclear whether they were evacuating the wounded or fighting the
terrorists. Both were killed that day, in the same battle. Yishay Slotki was posthumously
promoted to the rank of First Sergent and Noam Slotki was posthumously promoted to the
rank of Sergent Major. May they rest in peace.